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Fife Luneau, P.C. Achieves Acquittal in DUI & DWAI Case


Defendant Acquitted Despite Substantial Evidence

A DUI or DWI case can be a complex undertaking, but our team of Denver DUI attorneys at Fife Luneau, P.C. have the experience and knowledge required to reach successful outcomes time and time again. Despite extensive amounts of alleged evidence such as failed field sobriety tests, apparent odor of alcohol, and physical signs of drinking, we help our clients retain their freedom and rights by disproving evidence and discounting testimony from law enforcement officers.

One such case is People v. C.H. in Douglas County, wherein our attorney successfully argued in favor of the defendant against several substantial pieces of evidence. The allegations were DUI, DWAI, and failure to drive in a single lane. By taking an aggressive and relentless approach, we were able to disprove the evidence and argue that the defendant was not impaired at the time of the traffic stop.

The evidence in this case, and potential defenses, are as follows:

  • Slurred speech: Although this may initially appear to indicate inebriation, it could also indicate that you are tired or have a speech impediment. Unless you and the law enforcement officer had previous interactions, the officer would not know your normal pattern of speech or if there were other factors that caused slurred speech at the time of the traffic stop.
  • Unsteady balance: When you are put on the spot and under the stress of a possible arrest, balancing on one foot or displaying your best balance while walking on a line is difficult. In fact, balancing on a specified line on demand proves difficult for even the most practiced gymnasts when under the watchful eye of judges and coaches.
  • Odor of alcohol: Alcohol on your breath may denote that you were drinking, but the amount of alcohol in your system does not necessarily correlate with your breath. Furthermore, if an alcoholic beverage was spilled on your clothing prior to being pulled over, it would also smell of alcohol.
  • Bloodshot/watery eyes: As Spring is coming around the corner, seasonal allergies are beginning to rear their heads, which would be a simple reason why your eyes are bloodshot and watery. Other reasons may include being allergic to a friend’s pet, having an emotional conversation, listening to a sad song, or even just being tired.
  • Failed field sobriety tests: Sobriety tests may be performed incorrectly or may indicate issues with balance or coordination that do not impact your ability to drive. A failed field sobriety test does not necessarily mean that your ability to drive was impacted.

Our dedication to helping our clients is the force that drives us to reach favorable outcomes in all areas of DUI cases. When you are facing DUI charges, you need representation that is backed by wins such as People v. C.H. Don’t wait until it is too late to secure legal counsel. You need a strong defense team that has the skill and experience required to reach acquittal. Your future and your rights may be in the balance, so contact our team of Denver DUI lawyers today.

We are available 24/7 by phone. Call now: (720) 408-7130.
